Sunday 11 October 2015

My Favourite Place To Hang Out With Friends

"People come into your lives who you have a good time with, and time goes by and you still have a good time with them and you do stupid stuff with them. To me, that's life." - Danny DeVito

We have to admit, everyone needs love. Love is one of the things that makes us strong, courageous and happy. Love comes in different forms such as families, success, food, travel and friends.

Either we realize it or not, most of our time are spend hanging around our friends. There are always the one who is there to help us in thick and thin and are always together with come hell or high water. And what better way to spend time with them at a favourite place!!

My favourite place to hang out with friends would be Starbucks. It is one of Malaysia's favourite coffee place. It is a very fun place for me and my friends to hang out as the place is so comfortable.

The music that the cafe played in the background are relaxing, making the place a great resting spot for stress-out customers nowadays. The place is also equipped with free WiFi, thus making it a favourite spot for working adults and higher-education students.

Now, let us venture into their food and beverages! There are tons, I mean TONS of thirst-quenchers at Starbucks!! They are Java Chip, Caramel Machiatto, Caramel Frappucino and etc,

The food at Starbucks is beyond amazing! They got a great variety of mouth-watering cuisine such as Blueberry Cheese Cake, Bagels and etc.
All in all, Starbucks is a great place to hang out with your friends. It is such a relaxing yet comforting place.

Nur Syafiqah Bt. Kasim

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