Sunday 18 October 2015


This is my group and we named our group the four. Before I start I would like to introduce my team mate Afzan, Hizal, Syafiqah, Adila, Najwa, Haziqah. I am very glad that I one of this group because all this whole time when we preparing our role play we go through all the up and down moment and that moment is the most magnificent moment that I had. 

We spend time together and I get even more closer with my group. We have learned who to cooperate with each and understand one other. So that our bond get stronger day by day to get a chemistry to make the role play more successful.

Even though, I honestly and proudly to say that we did good that time and I not being arrogant with that because I just as same as other people. I felt nervous and shy but I just being me and I stick around with my group and we help each other to make our negative felling disappear and that's where confident and bravery came so we can make this role play goes well and I am happy that we can make the audience laugh and happy that time. 

This is my experience for our role play. I want to say thank you to ms. dini and thank you to group for believe in me and who knows we did great guyssss!! :)

PTM 150718645

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