Sunday 11 October 2015

favorite place to hangout

My favourite place has always been MCD. MCD has and always will have a very special place in my heart. I spent time with my friends when was free day or don’t have a class in that day. Mcd has a food that I like is double cheese burger set, double spicy chicken mxdeluxe set, GCB set, and mushroom soup. It’s  my routine to hangout their. And I love it.

 When Saturday I will back to my house to sent bag and continue to take my friends to hangout at mcd. Mcd is very near to my house. That why I always go to eat and spent time with my friends. When I has many homework to do and get stress I come to mcd and eat also do the assignment. Mcd also has a hot coffee with no sugar and no cream. Mcd is place that has living garden child. If I bring my sister that will easy to not see her where she go.  My family also love mcd. When might night we will drive true only and eat in car. Haha I love mcd food because it very simple and easy to eat where we are.

But its also take time and stress because mcd will always busy and have many customers. Mcd also has air conditioner that why I liked. Cool, freeze, and colour mcd is so angry RED. Wuu I loved it. Come  and visit MCD because it not very expensive but their food very delicious.  


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