Sunday 18 October 2015

my experience preparing for role play

Acting work experience is nigh on impossible to get because usually you get about a week of work experience, which isn't enough time to put on a proper show and actually learn all about the industry. We all have to come up with our own story thats mean we have to do all things.I am very shy to acting infront of many people but all i think i might do it is because of marks.

My group firstly they want to do like gengster movie i think.There a lot of  idea of movie come out but we doesnt get the best.So we decide to meet Miss Dini to choose kind of movie thats suit to ours,Miss Dini say she want us to do like Oh My English (Malaysia's favourite comedy and educational television series).

We just carry on with idea from Miss Dini.Built up the script is quite harder because we dont have to  take a long of  time on one scene.We decide to wear school clothes for customes and mostly we do all things at ika's house.Practice for the last time is quite rush because we scared that we late to go to hall.

After all,everyone did a good performance and im happy for our group because we did what we practice before.Never mind for some technical problems and minor errors because we take a nap for that.I am very enjoy spent day wih my group and class.Remember that work experience is unpaid but it’s a learning experience.

Thank You

PTM 150718644

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