Tuesday 29 September 2015



Fisrt my favorite food is CHAR KWAY TEOW

Whent i was child my father teach me to eat this food,fisrt when i eat char kway teow its very delicious.Since my family eat outside i’ll order this food and i very loved.   

Second favorite is NASI AYAM HAINAN

My late mother loved this food,she love to cook nasi ayam at home and all my family loved it.Went my mother passed away no more nasi ayam same like my mother cook.I am very miss my mother cook.

Third favorite is NASI KERABU

Fisrtly, i don’t like this food because the rice is blue and has a coconut in nasi kerabu. I never try to eat this food.Went i insert in KPTM BANGI my friends teach to try this food.It’s was a ramadhan monthly.I buy the nasi kerabu oposite in my hostel building.I eat in my room and i very loved its very delicious.Every day i will buy nasi kerabu and my father laugh at me because fisrt i don’t like and lastly i like it haha.

Fourth favorite is UDON

WAHHH!!!!. This is my truthly loved it japannes food. My father study at japan and him teach me to eat this food.My family love japanness food.Same like soup seaweed it’s very delicious AMAZING!!!    


Fifth favorite is SUSHI

HAHAHA sushi also my father teach me to eat and it’s very delicious.Went i was form 3 and form 4 i have trip at beijing china, korean and japan they eat sushi and many place in KUALA LUMPUR sale this food.

Sixth favorite is CLAYPOT

Since when i form 4 in bandar baru bangi pkns have sale this food at food court it’s very cheap and deliciuos to.

My dessert favorite is ICE CREAM ONE MALAYSIAN

When i was childhood this ice cream is very famous and at village i eat with my cousins.I also aet untill now but this years don’t have many ice cream like that it’s difficult to say.


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